- 冷库安装的流程是怎么样的,有哪些步骤?
- 本站编辑:香港六马宝典发布日期:2021-06-23 19:32 浏览次数:

I believe that many companies who want to install cold storage are curious about how to install cold storage. So today, Hangzhou gram cold refrigeration engineer Zhou will take you to know about the cold storage installation process is how? What are the steps? Today Xiaobian will give you the knowledge to popularize. First of all, I want to say that the installation of cold storage is a system engineering, which is mainly divided into the installation of cold storage board, the installation of air cooler, the installation of refrigeration unit, the installation of refrigeration pipeline, the installation of electric control system and the commissioning of these parts. Said so, probably a lot of people do not understand what is the meaning, then the following more detailed
1. 冷库设计的方案。一般是根据客户的需求,冷库建造厂家派工程师或技术同事和客户详细沟通后,现场确认后设计出合理的方案,其中包括:制冷系统的确定、库房布局、材料、设备、配件的合理配置、电控、温控的配置等等。
1. Cold storage design scheme. Generally, according to the needs of customers, the cold storage manufacturer sends engineers or technical colleagues to communicate with customers in detail, and designs reasonable schemes after on-site confirmation, including: the determination of refrigeration system, the layout of the warehouse, the reasonable configuration of materials, equipment and accessories, the configuration of electric control and temperature control, and so on.
2. 冷库冷风机的安装:冷风机的安装位置最好在空气循环最好的位置。冷风机应该与库板之间保持一定的距离,一般要大于冷风机的厚度,例如冷风机厚度为 0.5m则冷风机与库板之间最小距离必须超过0.5m方可。
2. Installation of cold storage air cooler: the installation location of the air cooler is best in the best position of air circulation. A certain distance should be maintained between the air cooler and the library plate, which is generally greater than the thickness of the air cooler. For example, the thickness of the air cooler is 0.5m, the minimum distance between the air cooler and the library plate must exceed 0.5m.
3. 冷库制冷机组安装:一般小型冷库都安装全封闭式制冷机组,而中大型冷库则安装半封闭制冷机组。在制冷机组安装结束后需要安装配套的油分离器,并加入适量机油,如果冷库预设温度低于零下15℃的话还应该加入冷冻机油。
3 cold storage refrigeration unit installation: general small cold storage are installed with fully closed refrigeration unit, and medium and large cold storage is installed with semi-closed refrigeration unit. After the installation of the refrigeration unit, the supporting oil separator needs to be installed, and the right amount of oil should be added. If the preset temperature of the cold storage is lower than minus 15℃, the refrigerating oil should also be added.
4. 冷库管道的安装:管道直径必须满足冷库设计使用要求,并且与各个设备之间保持一定的安全距离,安装位置也需要根据现场实际情况进行调整。
4. Installation of cold storage pipeline: the diameter of the pipeline must meet the design and use requirements of cold storage, and maintain a certain safe distance from each equipment, and the installation position needs to be adjusted according to the actual situation on the site.
5. 冷库电控制系统的安装:在各个连接点处都必须进行标记,方便日后维修、检测;所以电线必须用绑线进行固定;做好防潮工作,防止电线进水导致短路。
5. Installation of the electric control system of the cold storage: all the connection points must be marked to facilitate future maintenance and detection; So the wire must be fixed with a tie wire; Do moisture-proof work to prevent short circuit caused by water in wires.
6. 冷库的调试工作:冷库调试时需要先对电源电压进行确认是否正常,很多情况下用户来电报修,都是因为当时电压不稳不能正常启动冷库所引起的,然后检查设备的开 闭情况,向储液罐内注入制冷剂,然后运行压缩机。
6 cold storage debugging work: cold storage debugging needs to confirm whether the power supply voltage is normal. In many cases, the user calls for repair because the voltage is unstable and the cold storage cannot be started normally. Then check the opening and closing of the equipment, inject refrigerant into the liquid storage tank, and then run the compressor.
7. After-sales maintenance. Cold storage production is not sustainable use once and for all, but also need regular maintenance and repair. For circuit aging, lax sealing, abnormal system and other problems should be found and maintained in time to ensure the safety of the use of cold storage.
关于冷库安装有很多是需要长期从业的经验才能做的完善的,如果朋友们对于以上内容还有不懂的地方可以随时来咨询我们克冷制冷,我们会详细为大家解答的。香港六马宝典致力于食品冷库、药品冷库、商超冷库、冷风柜、负压风机等系列产品,凭借优异的实用性和节能效果,赢得了众多客户的青睐。欢迎您的咨询合作。联系电话 :13116798338(祝经理 )
- 上一篇:香港六马宝典祝大家国庆节快乐
- 下一篇:2020中国冷库制造行业市场分析与展望。